Summer break has begun in our home and the kids are home full-time. I don’t know about you but summer days can either be super fun or feel extremely long. A few summers ago, when my daughter was about 5 and my son was an infant. I was having a hard time figuring how to pass the summer days. Days that didn’t involve only watching TV or Netflix. Also, summers are hot in Houston, so we can’t be outside until later in the day.
I needed new ideas of fun things to do. Ways to entertain a 5-year old and an infant. This lead to creating the seven summer words. Creative days to look forward to that didn’t involve too much planning and were budget friendly.
Hope you can enjoy these summer days with your kiddos and fun ways to be creative with these seven words.
Mystery Monday:

Summer or not, Monday’s are still rough. It is hard to get going especially after a busy weekend. One way to look forward to Monday’s are by making them a mystery. Find a jar in your home or a can, and decorate the outside. Write Mystery Monday on it and then stuff it with either small note paper or popsicle sticks. On them write different activities you can do on Monday’s. Each Monday morning have your kids draw one, two or three things they can enjoy doing. You can be as creative and messy as you want or as low key as you want that day to be.
Some examples could be:
- Create something new: arts and crafts, Legos, forts etc.
- Make slime, play doe or if you feel fancy DIY soaps
- Write a letter or post card to friends near or far.
- Water the plants and while you are at it have a water balloon fight.
- Play board games
- Have a dance party
- Go to a movie or make or buy a special treat.
- Go swimming, or for a walk, or to an indoor playground (if it’s too hot)
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.”
― Alice Morse Earle
Teachable or Thankful Tuesday:

On Tuesday’s, we either chose to learn something new or to show our gratitude to others.
The bookstores and libraries are where you will find us learning new things. Most libraries have free activities or events. So, after, breakfast head out to your local library. Plan ahead and check out their website for each weeks schedule.
You can also visit a local bookstore. They have book reading or craft times. Some will feature guest authors that will read their books and then greet the kids.
Depending on your budget or if you have memberships to some museum than make it a goal to check out a new one each week. Or take a trip to the zoo and study a new animal. There are lots of ways to learn something new each week.
If you don’t want to take any trips, then spread out the blankets and pillows at home. Get comfy and dig into some books or watch a kid friendly documentary.

If, that week, you chose to show thankfulness. Then you could bake or buy some treats for some community helpers, nursing homes or a friend. Your kids can make thank you cards for military men and women. Or encouraging cards to little ones who are spending their summers in a hospital.
Lemonade stands are also a refreshing and fun activity to help raise funds. Your family can donate to a charity of your kids choice or plan a food or clothes drive.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!
Wacky Wednesday:

This summer we will try something new. My kids love telling jokes and sometimes putting on shows. They for sure enjoy acting and being silly. I don’t know about you but I need more of that in my life. I am not as silly as I want to be with them. So this summer we will plan some wacky Wednesday’s.
Some ideas could be:
- Wear PJ’s all day
- Tell jokes all day (within reason)
- Plan a wacky show all day and then have dinner and a show.
- Enjoy wearing silly socks
- Have wacky hair day
- Mix and match our clothes, from wearing polka dots shirts to plaids and wacky colors.
- Have a rainbow day
- Dress up with 80s gear or take it back to the 50s
- Or have inside out day
- And of course ready Wacky Wednesday by Dr Seuss
“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.”
― Dr. Seuss
Tasty Thursday:

Whether you love sweets or some good food. Tasty Thursday can be a day to look forward to. Plan to eat some of your favorite summer meals and treats. Or venture into trying some new ones. Houston has a wide array of restaurants and desserts. From American food to all types of international foods and drinks. During the summer heat, refreshing treats are always the best.
These can get expensive. So if you want to stay within budget than you can also cook some new tasty meals to put on your menu for the day. You can also check out some places where kids eat free or give out samples. Like Costco’s, where we always try something new.
If you live in Houston check out Houston on the Cheap for some KIDS EAT FREE IN HOUSTON (UPDATED FOR 2019)
Family Friday:

Summer or not in our house we try to make Friday’s a family day. During the school year we try to keep it low-key and watch movies and have pizza, or we cook a quick meal.
But during the summer there are more options and time. On Family Friday’s we have more time for day trips. We will either pack up a picnic and visit a new park or museum or check out a free show or concert at a near pavilion.
If you are in Houston check these links for some great ideas or events:
- Mommy Poppins Houston Kids List
- Mommy Poppins best free splash pads in or around Houston
“Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten”
― Lilo and stitch
Splendid and Spectacular Summer Weekends.

Summer weekends can either be very busy or a time of recouping from the week. You can either enjoy a Saturday relaxing by the pool or the beach. Or enjoy a nice Saturday siesta.
For some of you, Sunday’s might mean going to church and for others a family day. What ever your summer weekend plans are make sure and make them Splendid and Spectacular.
How ever you choose to spend your summer week days and weekends. I hope they are unforgettable times with your family. Be creative. Have fun. And make memories.
Stay tuned to the next word…