Hello, friend and welcome to my page!!
I am excited to start this new journey in my life of writing a blog. I am more of a secret writer, scripting my thoughts on my journals through the years. Most of my journals are full of prayers and my personal conversations with God. Please don’t judge me on my grammar, punctuation, please hear my heart, be patient as I learn about this new endeavor.
Two years ago, as I was spending time talking to God. I was reading and meditating on His Word, when I was captive by what Romans 8:26 says. “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” Another version says, “…intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” What stood out to me the most was the phrase “wordless groans.” I became intrigued by what the Spirit does for you and me in our weakness and when I don’t have words to say, He does. He intercedes on my behalf in his own language.
While looking at a few Bible commentaries I was able to understand this a little better. Ellicott’s Commentary says, “When the Christian’s prayers are too deep and too intense for words when they are rather a sigh heaved from the heart than any formal utterance, then we may know that they are prompted by the Spirit Himself. It is He who is praying to God for us.”
In Alexander MacLaren’s, The Interceding Spirit, he says, “Language breaks down in the attempt to express our deepest emotions and our truest love. For all the deepest things in man, inarticulate utterance is the most self-revealing. Grief can say more in a sob and a tear than in many weak words; love finds its tongue in the light of an eye and the clasp of a hand. The groanings which rise from the depths of the Christian soul cannot be forced into the narrow frame-work of human language; and just because they are unutterable are to be recognized as the voice of the Holy Spirit.”
At that time it was comforting to read what the Spirit does. Still, I was not in a season that I felt I couldn’t articulate what to say to God. Little did I know that time was only preparing me for one of the most difficult years and seasons of my life.
Fast forward to March 2016 when our son started to have some unexplainable pain, he would shake and cry. He was only 15 months and didn’t have the language to explain to us what he was experiencing. The doctors we saw did not believe me and couldn’t figure out what was wrong, and he was misdiagnosed.

Again fast-forward to May 2016 where his pain had become worst and I was desperate. I was tired and angry that his pain had gone on for this long without any help. Finally, on May 3rd the specialist who saw him advocated on his behalf. He sent us to the ER and after several tests, he was diagnosed, with Spondylodiscitis. A severe infection in his spine and pretty rare for a 15-month-old. So he was admitted to the hospital and it marked the beginning of another rough time in our family’s life.
I can write other posts about what happen the next 7 weeks of our hospital stay. What I want to share today is what God immediately reminded me of in those first cold and hard hospital nights. After being a little upset with God, or a lot, I knew I needed to talk with my Heavenly Father. I needed to share with Him all the emotions I was experiencing. I needed to share with Him my anger, frustration, sadness, despair and those I couldn’t define.
The first nights that I held son, I tried to talk with God about how I felt but my tears and groans would overtake my body. I couldn’t get the words to come out of my mouth. I was tired and didn’t have any strength. I remember being able to just say, “Dear God…” and then break down. For a while, I felt I was letting my emotions control me. But after a few more days of the same prayer, the Spirit reminded me what I learned 7 months before this experience.
I know that the Spirit intercedes for me. Knowing that in my extreme weakness, in my inability to utter any words, the Spirit is interceding and interpreting my feelings into words that my Abba Father can understand. This knowledge and constant reminder carried us through the next weeks of our sons’ hospital stay. Romans 8:27 says, “And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.”
I kept meditating over my experience and in the Fall of 2016, God said to me, “I am your Wordless Voice, I speak on your behalf, I advocate for you.”

He took it a step further, and he challenged me to do something more. As I processed it with my husband he encouraged me to take the step of faith and challenge to start this blog. My desire is to share with you my own story with The Father, my struggles, what I am learning about myself and others. In this blog, you will read how the Spirit translates my wordless voice into a beautiful language.
Stay tuned to the next word…

Great blog!
Thank you Carlos.
I truly love this Yaneth and I am so proud that you have took this leap of faith and sharing with the world what God has placed in your heart!!!! I feel inspired already and will stay tuned as I am eager to read more about what God places in your heart! Love you tons!
Thank you sweet lady for your encouragement. I appreciate the love and support.
Thank you Veronica.
You are amazing to want to add this to all you are already doing in your busy life, Yaneth! I know your wise words, experiences and ponderings will be of great benefit to many people and the God of all the universe will bless you in the journey!❌⭕️❌⭕️
Thank you for your encouragement Valerie. I appreciate your wisdom too. I learned a lot from this past Bible study, learning more about Ruth gave me courage to step out in faith to try this.
Love this Yaneth!
Thank you Angie.