A year ago I decided to publish my blog. Writing is something I’ve done for years, but only in the privacy of my journals. I have several, some with more entries than others. In them, I tell God about my pain, my gratitude, my requests, or confusions, the injustices I see, or the beautiful moments I experience.
When I write, God listens to me, meets me where I am, consoles me, guides me, speaks and affirms me at every moment.
I began to publish some of my stories, thoughts and life experiences after a few months of meditating on Romans 8:26 and a difficult season that I had with my son, (you can read more about this in my first publication a year ago.)
Writing, for some people, is a lot of work, or they do it only when necessary. For others, like me, writing is essential, a way to release stress, and also a way to serve others.
Today I share the five main reasons why I write and why they are important to me. I hope they also inspire you to think about your own reasons for writing.

Each of us has a message to share with our story, a message of hope and love. In my life and that of my family, God has done magnificent things. It is not always easy, but I know that even in difficult times the Lord is present.
King Nebuchadnezzar said, “I am pleased to write to you about the miraculous signs and amazing things the Most High God did for me.” Daniel 4:2
You have a message to share with others, it could be the story of what He has done in your life or experiences you have walked through. Do not think that your story is unworthy or not important. Write it and share it with your family, friends, or neighbors. When you share it you can communicate a message of good news to the world!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Said, “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The people around us also have a story. When we write about them we give them a voice and a platform to share their experiences. Unfortunately, there are injustices in the world and people are suffering or oppressed and nobody knows their battles. For me, it is important to give a voice to others who do not have it and I want to share the stories of those who need and should be heard.
You have the opportunity to create a safe environment that will help to release the voice of those who do not.

The older I get, the more I realize how much I still need to learn about life, about God, about myself and others.
Jesus said ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.
One of the ways I can love Him with all my heart, soul and mind is to know Him intimately. By learning more about Him it gives me the opportunity to learn about myself, what I must change in my character or help me recognize my weaknesses.
I encourage you to spend time with your Creator, write down your prayers, read a book about your relationship with Him and enjoy His goodness.
Jesus also said the second commandment is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Knowing God more also helps me learn about others and how to extend love to them.
I encourage you to leave your comfort zone to meet your neighbors, to volunteer, join a small group where you can learn and share, travel with a group on a mission trip, learn about a new culture, or use your resources to serve others.

Influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.
We all have influence, be it at home, work, relationships, church, or community. When writing about what you are learning or teaching, others will see that you have a certain level of expertise in that subject, as a result, you can produce a change or growth in the life of your neighbor.
When I am no longer alive, what will people remember about me? What have I created or shared with others that will survive me? These are questions that I ask myself often.
My desire is to leave a legacy that my children will be proud of. Where they know how much I loved them, loved my husband, others and especially loved God.
Writing and sharing what I write is a seal or a brand that I can leave in the world.
The Bible says, “A good man leaves an inheritance to the children of his children …”
Proverbs 13:22
On Dave Ramsey’s website, Chris Brown writes that “… an inheritance is not limited to money. It also includes godly character qualities like integrity and trustworthiness. Combining a financial inheritance with wisdom and godliness ensures that the next generation will also manage God’s blessings God’s way for God’s glory long after I’ve graduated to heaven.”
Writing is therapy that helps my soul but I never expected to publish my writings. I hope that when I publish what I write, it can be a voice that shares a message of hope, advocates for the message of others, learns and teaches what I have learned, causes influence, and leaves a legacy that will last.
What legacy will you leave?

Stay tuned to the next word…