On March 29th, my husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage.
In these 10 years, we have matured as a couple, we have learned from each other, we have made mistakes, we have forgiven and challenged each other, and we have decided to enter passionately in the construction of a solid marriage.
Our marriage is not “perfect” and developing a healthy marriage day by day is not easy. But the foundation that helps us, is our relationship with God. He is our rock on which we build our home. (Matthew 7:24) This does not mean that there are no moments of pain or arguments but what it does mean is that He guides us and gives us the wisdom and love necessary to continue building a healthy marriage and family because it is worth the effort.
I can not sufficiently express how grateful I am to God for my husband’s life. He is truly a gift to my life. In these 10 years I have felt loved, cared for, protected and valued by him, and today I dedicate these (and many more) thank you’s to him. I love you, Ricky! ♡
10 Years, 101 Thank You’s!
- Thank you for marrying me.
- Thank you for being a great husband!!
- Thank you for protecting and defending me.
- Thank you for being my best friend.
- Thank you for being the best leader for our family.
- Thank you for dating me.
- Thank you for loving my curves, my body.
- Thank you for your sweet words.
- Thank you for making me feel sexy.
- Thank you for listening to my long conversations.
- Thank you for making me feel loved and valued.
- Thank you for not expecting perfection.
- Thank you for your 100% devotion.
- Thank you for the adventures.
- Thank you for being brave.
- Thank you for fixing, repairing and building things.
- Thank you for being inventive and creative.
- Thank you for helping bring to life my crazy ideas.
- Thank you for believing in me to do and accomplish what I didn’t believe in myself.
- Thank you for challenging me to take steps of faith.
- Thank you for respecting me.
- Thank you for working so hard.
- Thank you for going the extra mile or 10.
- Thank you for having a job and enjoying it.
- Thank you for not complaining.
- Thank you for providing.
- Thank you for making me feel like the most beautiful woman.
- Thank you for your sense of humor and making me laugh.
- Thank you for being a great dad!
- Thank you for building legos with Natty.
- Thank you for taking Zar fishing.
- Thank you for being kind.
- Thank you for being strong
- Thank you for the compassion you show me, the kids and others.
- Thank you for your heart to serve me and the kids.
- Thank you for using your skills and talents to serve others.
- Thank you for being an example.
- Thank you for showing us how to serve and love God.
- Thank you for dreaming bigger than me.
- Thank you for cooking.
- Thank you for your yummy posole and grilling.
- Thank you for your delicious waffles that Natty loves.
- Thank you for taking us out to eat.
- Thank you for eating CFA even when you don’t want to.
- Thank you for helping me (a lot) around the house.
- Thank you for folding laundry.
- Thank you for singing to me and with me.
- Thank you for being an unselfish person.
- Thank you for teaching me.
- Thank you for empowering me to use my voice.
- Thank you for choosing to grow old with me.
- Thank you for hugging with so tight.
- Thank you for kissing my forehead.
- Thank you for always making sure we don’t go to bed angry.
- Thank you for calling or texting me throughout the day.
- Thank you for traveling with me.
- Thank you for supporting my ministry/career.
- Thank you for putting the kids to bed while I have some “me time”.
- Thank you for caring about my feelings.
- Thank you for inspiring me.
- Thank you for carrying me through hard times.
- Thank you for giving me the space to cry (a lot).
- Thank you for being a man of integrity.
- Thank you for being a man of conviction.
- Thank you for stepping up and taking action.
- Thank you for providing peace when I am nervous or scared.
- Thank you for creating memories.
- Thank you for being loyal.
- Thank you that you are trustworthy.
- Thank you for helping me be a better person.
- Thank you for being a faithful husband.
- Thank you for showing the kids what a father should be like.
- Thank you for showing Natty how a gentleman acts.
- Thank you for demonstrating Zar how to love his future wife.
- Thank you for taking care of me when I have been sick.
- Thank you for waking up in the middle of the night to feed our kids when they were babies.
- Thank you for changing their diapers.
- Thank you for letting me sleep in.
- Thank you for putting the kids back to sleep when they have a nightmare or wake up.
- Thank you for challenging me to always listen to God.
- Thank you for praying with me and for me.
- Thank you for reminding me of my calling.
- Thank you for motivating us to enter into the foster to adopt journey.
- Thank you for being extra patient with me.
- Thank you for being kind when I am not.
- Thank you for bringing joy to our lives.
- Thank you for forgiving me.
- Thank you for playing/wrestling with the kids.
- Thank you for always helping with the kids at bedtime.
- Thank you for praying with and for our kids.
- Thank you for reading to our kids.
- Thank you for being passionate about our family.
- Thank you for the unexpected gifts.
- Thank you for motivating me to write and blog.
- Thank you for being attracted to me.
- Thank you for watching This is Us and Romantic movies with me.
- Thank you for thanking me.
- Thank you for knowing and pursuing me.
- Thank you for trusting me to be your wife and the mother of our kids.
- Thank you for stepping into the role of husband and father.
- Thank you for the solid foundation you are building by loving God with all your heart and loving me like Jesus loves the church. (Ephesians 5:25) ♡
Stay tuned for the next word…